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Upshaw learns leadership at national conference

By Elena Osmanllari

Dragon Echo Staff

There is no doubt that NHS students are really interested in leadership.

A perfect example is Nicolas Upshaw, the Senior of the Month for the past month.

This summer Nicolas attended Envision Experience: National Youth Leadership Forum at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

The main reason he was selected to be invited to this conference is because of his interest in engineering and academic success.

“I wanted to attend because it was a good opportunity for me to learn new things meet new people,” he said.

The most interesting thing Nicolas learned is information about the countries facing a water crisis and the importance of problem-solving and team-work in the world of engineering.

This was not only a career exploration trip for him, but also a fun trip. Nicolas said that visiting Georgia Aquarium and watching the Dolphin Show were his favorite part of the experience.

Asked if this experience is going to help him in his future college and career journey Nicolas said, “I think so. It gave me a glimpse of college life and a taste of my chosen career path.”

His plans after high school are to study Computer Science in one of his top three colleges :Rice University, UT at Austin or Sam Houston State University.

Success is his number one goal, and he mainly attributes his academic success to his sheer willpower and determination to succeed.

”I believe that no one else can make you succeed. It is up to you whether or not you want to achieve success,” he said.

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