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Sandoval inspired by quote-able quotes

By Yarely Ortiz

Dragon Echo Staff

“I’m discovering that everybody is a closet quotesmith. Just give them a chance.” - Robert Brault

Whether it’s lyrics from a favorite song or lines from a favorite TV show or movie, many people have favorite quotes that inspire them, motivate them, make them laugh or make them think.

Kelly Sandoval is one of many students at NHS who has favorite quotes, and many of them come from Ariana Grande.

“She’s very inspirational,” Kelly said. Kelly’s favorite quote from Ariana Grande came from an article in Cosmopolitan. In the article, Grande said, "… I’ve learned how to be a loving partner but also nourish myself. A lot of people forget about the whole self-love thing when they’re in love, and both are imperative."

Kelly said she likes this quote, because it’s a reminder to love yourself.

Parents gives students quotes that drives them over the edge, Kelly said.

“One example is ‘You being on your phone makes you sick.’”

Kelly often quotes others when it involves a serious conversation or a lecture. She sometimes finds herself at a loss for words when she talks about a problem that involves a serious situation.

At times like that, using someone else’s quote rather than making up her own is more effective.

Junior Principal Jennifer Jackson has a favorite quote from Dr. Seuss – “Unless. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it’s not.”

Dr. Crespo has a quote that has become famous at NHS: “Dragons, it’s a great day to be alive! It’s a great time to be a DRAGON! At NHS you matter! Believe in the possibilities of being great! Treat each other the way you want to be treated and never be satisfied as there is always an opportunity to be a better version of yourself.”

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